Business Continuity (Recovery) Services
A corporate Business Continuity (Response and Recovery) plan developed with assistance by Emcorp Group will help companies respond effectively if an incident or crisis affects corporate or sites business operations. The recovery plan is the key recovery step in broader the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery model of business continuity planning. While an Emergency Procedures plan helps you deal companies deal with a crisis immediately before, during and immediately after it has happened, the Recovery Plan has a longer term focus and enables effective operations to resume. The integrated Response plan and Recovery phase procedure will aim to shorten the recovery time and minimise losses to business.
The Recovery Plan contains information relating to planning for recovery as well as the resumption of the identified critical business activities after a crisis event has progressed/occurred. The Plan will also outline the time frame in which you can realistically expect to resume your standard business operations. Developing the Recovery Plan gives enables companies to consider how to get business back to normal operations. It will include the following components:

- Strategies to recover your business activities in the quickest possible time
- Identify key resources, equipment and staff required to recover your operations
- Identify key recovery time objectives
- Create time and position based checklists
The pre-identified recovery time frame objective covers the time from when an incident or crisis happens to the time the company or site can resume usual operations. The recovery time frame objective should be based on critical business activities identified in the companies business impact analysis. The critical business activities are those that the company cannot operate without.