Crisis (Response) Services

Emcorp Group has significant crisis and risk management experience with global industry leading companies.  The depth and breadth of experience consists of assisting in handling international crises and significant site and brand impact events.  We leverage our backgrounds in civil defence, the military, law enforcement, engineering, healthcare management, insurance and commercial risk management.

Working with your senior management teams, Emcorp Group identifies your known and unknown threats and vulnerabilities that may be either long-standing and emergent risks, and those that pose a threat to your critical assets. Essentially providing a ‘do you know what is around the corner’ approach.

We work with facility management, corporate heads and also boards of directors to identify industry based, strategic emerging threats and vulnerabilities which put clients critical assets at risk, or event sin progress requiring rapid approaches.

These may include people, assets, profits, reputation, brand and key relationships both corporate and government. Strategies are developed for mitigating those risks and then preparation of corporate leadership teams to make decisive decisions, action to responses and appropriate and effective communication where and when required.

building smoke
  • Base Company Strategic Plan: This provides the company and also site based framework and process to respond to any crisis event.
  • Crisis Communications Plan: This plan identifies Stakeholders, operations bases, media management and social media monitoring and internal management.
  • Identification of a company ‘Strategic Crisis Leadership Team’ and the nomination of internal or external subject matter experts to assist.
  • Risk Categorisation Methodology
  • Phases of Activation (with documented actions in each phase)
  • Program Maintenance: Company and site training, exercises, after action reviews

Additional services include:

  • Crisis Assistance
  • Management Decision Making Support
  • Crisis Communications Support & Training
  • Media Management
  • Investigation and Legal Support
  • Reputation and Brand Protection
  • Security Enhancement (facility + staff)
  • Staff or facility ‘Threat of Violence’ Assessments