Security Mgt. Services

Emcorp Group can assist businesses develop a robust security posture with service lines that include master planning, company policy assessment and development, (present and demerging) threat and vulnerability assessments and more.

Our highly experienced staff have been assisting large global operations and nationals by delivering linked services using our bespoke technology to better report and close security gaps where they exist.

We are here to assist dozens of hotels brands to be assessed in over 48 countries and hundreds of sites. In our audits, gaps and vulnerabilities are identified (in both facilities and the broader company) and companies are then assisted to ensure close out is enacted for any non-compliances.

Across the world, we have the resources to uncover where the individual company and facility weaknesses and site security gaps exist, and importantly identify what internal and/or external issues are encouraging the noncompliance.  

Security risk management services include:

  • Threat and vulnerability assessments [present or emerging]
  • Corporate and site policy and procedures [review and development]
  • Security audit services
  • Security training and education