
Emcorp Group provide risk services, expert staff and solutions to major brands internationally. A variety of sectors are serviced, in hundreds of locations, to assist in compliance and corporate resilience. Further as a partner of the global insurer QBE, Emcorp Group’s risk related services mitigate hazards and generate the data necessary for your corporate management and insurers to make informed decisions regarding their risk appetite to your business.

These characteristics include a proactive approach to risk management and corporate education, ensuring appropriately protected organizations and delivering an analysis of the insured’s working attitude to risk management, which in turn can lead to premium reductions.

  • Risk Assessment, Analysis and Audit (RA3)
  • Crisis Management & Communications
  • Business Continuity Planning BCP
  • Brand & Quality Management
  • 24 Hour Corporate Go Teams (Global)
  • Disaster Response (Global)
  • Fire Emergency Planning
  • Fire Emergency Training & Compliance
  • Emergency Response Team (ERT) Training
  • Engineering / Safety Design
  • Food Safety & Hygiene (HACCP)
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Hospital Sector Support
  • Health and Aged Care Support
  • Accreditation & QM Support
  • Major Retail Sector Support
  • Major Industry Sector Support
  • Staff & Executive Workshops
  • Insurance Premium Reduction
  • Online Training
  • Patient Tracking (RFID/BLE)
  • Technical Hardware
  • Incident / Investigation Management Software
  • Tasking/Tracking/Reporting Software
  • IOS / Android App creation

Prepare, respond and recover from risks to your business operations